┌── Configuration │ ├── whitelist[wl|access]: Restrict access to your server. │ │ ├── whitelist settings[configuration|config]: View the whitelist settings for the server. │ │ ├── whitelist toggle[switch]: Toggle the server's whitelist restriction status. │ │ ├── whitelist revoke[remove|deny|kick]: Revoke a user's whitelist permit. │ │ ├── whitelist permit[add|allow|grant]: Allow a user to join the server. │ │ ├── whitelist list[view|permits]: View the users with an active whitelist permit. │ ├── voicemaster[voice|vm|vc]: Configure temporary personal voice channels. │ │ ├── voicemaster reject[remove|deny|kick]: Prevent a member from joining your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster transfer[give]: Transfer ownership of your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster hide[ghost]: Prevent members from seeing your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster reset: Reset the VoiceMaster integration. │ │ ├── voicemaster reveal[show|unhide]: Allow members to see your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster unlock: Allow members to join your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster default[set]: Configure the default settings for VoiceMaster channels. │ │ │ ├── voicemaster default category: Set the category for VoiceMaster channels. │ │ │ ├── voicemaster default status: Set the status template for VoiceMaster channels. │ │ │ ├── voicemaster default name: Set the name template for VoiceMaster channels. │ │ ├── voicemaster claim: Claim an unoccupied voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster allow[permit]: Allow a member to join your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster rename[name]: Rename your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster lock: Prevent members from joining your voice channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster setup: Setup the VoiceMaster creation channel. │ │ ├── voicemaster limit: Limit the number of members in your voice channel. │ ├── boost: Automatically send a boost message when a member boosts. │ │ ├── boost clear[reset|purge]: Remove all boost messages. │ │ ├── boost add[create]: Add a channel to receive boost messages. │ │ ├── boost list: View all channels receiving boost messages. │ │ ├── boost remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove an existing boost message. │ │ ├── boost view[script|template]: View the boost message for a channel. │ ├── goodbye[leave|bye]: Automatically send a goodbye message when a member leaves. │ │ ├── goodbye clear[reset|purge]: Remove all goodbye messages. │ │ ├── goodbye remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove an existing goodbye message. │ │ ├── goodbye add[create]: Add a channel to receive goodbye messages. │ │ ├── goodbye list: View all channels receiving goodbye messages. │ │ ├── goodbye view[script|template]: View the goodbye message for a channel. │ ├── welcome[welc|hey]: Automatically greet new members when they join. │ │ ├── welcome clear[reset|purge]: Remove all welcome messages. │ │ ├── welcome view[script|template]: View the welcome message for a channel. │ │ ├── welcome add[create]: Add a channel to receive welcome messages. │ │ ├── welcome list: View all channels receiving welcome messages. │ │ ├── welcome remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove an existing welcome message. │ ├── sticky[stickymessage|stickymsg|sm]: Stick a message to the bottom of the channel. │ │ ├── sticky view[script|template]: View the sticky message for a channel. │ │ ├── sticky update[edit]: Update an existing sticky message. │ │ ├── sticky list: View all channels with a sticky message. │ │ ├── sticky remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove an existing sticky message. │ │ ├── sticky existing[from]: Add a sticky message from an existing message. │ │ ├── sticky add[create]: Add a sticky message to a channel. │ ├── starboard[star|board|sb]: Archive popular messages to a dedicated channel. │ │ ├── starboard clear[reset|purge]: Remove all starboards. │ │ ├── starboard list: View all starboards for this server. │ │ ├── starboard add[create]: Add a starboard to a channel. │ │ ├── starboard remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a starboard from a channel. │ ├── antinuke[antiwizz|an|aw]: Protect your server from malicious users. │ ├── reskin[custombot|cb|skin]: Customize the bot's appearance. │ │ ├── reskin username[name]: Set your personal reskin username. │ │ ├── reskin remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove your personal reskin. │ │ ├── reskin setup[webhooks|webhook|wh]: Set up the necessary webhooks. │ │ ├── reskin avatar[icon|pfp|av]: Set your personal reskin avatar. │ │ ├── reskin disable[off|stop]: Disable the reskin relay. │ │ ├── reskin color[colour]: Set your personal reskin embed color. │ │ │ ├── reskin color random[rand]: Set your personal reskin embed color to a random color. │ │ ├── reskin toggle[status]: Relay your responses with your personal reskin. │ ├── publisher[announcement]: Publish announcements automatically. │ │ ├── publisher clear: Remove all channels from being monitored. │ │ ├── publisher list: View all channels being monitored. │ │ ├── publisher add[create|watch]: Add a channel to publish messages in. │ │ ├── publisher remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a channel from being monitored. │ ├── logging[log|logs]: Configure logging for certain events. │ │ ├── logging list: View all channels set up for logging. │ │ ├── logging view[events]: View all events being logged in a channel. │ │ ├── logging disable[delete|remove|del|rm|off]: Remove logging for a channel. │ │ ├── logging enable[set|on]: Enable logging in a channel for certain events. │ ├── gallery: Restrict channels to only allow attachments. │ │ ├── gallery list: View all gallery channels. │ │ ├── gallery remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a channel from the gallery restriction. │ │ ├── gallery add[create|watch]: Add a channel which only allows attachments. │ │ ├── gallery clear: Remove all channels from the gallery restriction. │ ├── prefix[prefixes]: View or change the bot's prefixes. │ │ ├── prefix add: Add a prefix to the server's prefixes. │ │ ├── prefix remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a prefix from the server's prefixes. │ │ ├── prefix reset: Reset the server's prefixes to the default. │ │ ├── prefix set: Set the server's prefix. │ ├── updates[news|announcements]: Set the channel to receive bot updates. ├── Moderation │ ├── cleanup[bc]: Remove bot invocations and messages from bots. │ ├── purge[prune|rm|c]: Remove messages which meet a criteria. │ │ ├── purge emojis[emotes|emote|emoji|em|e]: Remove messages with custom emojis. │ │ ├── purge mentions[mention|m]: Remove messages with mentions. │ │ ├── purge stickers[sticker|s]: Remove messages with stickers. │ │ ├── purge except[besides|schizo]: Remove messages not sent by a specific member. │ │ ├── purge humans[human|h]: Remove messages from humans. │ │ ├── purge bots[bot|b]: Remove messages from bots. │ │ ├── purge contains[contain|c]: Remove messages which contain a substring. │ │ ├── purge webhooks[webhook|wh]: Remove messages from webhooks. │ │ ├── purge startswith[prefix|start|sw]: Remove messages which start with a substring. │ │ ├── purge before: Remove messages before a specific message. │ │ ├── purge endswith[suffix|end|ew]: Remove messages which end with a substring. │ │ ├── purge after[since|upto|up]: Remove messages after a specific message. │ │ ├── purge invites[invite|inv|i]: Remove messages with invites. │ │ ├── purge between[range|btw|rng]: Remove messages between two specific messages. │ │ ├── purge links[link|l]: Remove messages with links. │ │ ├── purge reactions[reaction|reactsreact|r]: Remove reactions from messages. │ │ ├── purge embeds[embed|emb]: Remove messages with embeds. │ │ ├── purge files[file|f]: Remove messages with files. │ │ ├── purge voice[vm|vc|v]: Remove voice messages. │ │ ├── purge system[sys|sm]: Remove system messages. │ ├── emoji[emote]: Various emoji management commands. │ │ ├── emoji rename[edit|update]: Rename an emoji in the server. │ │ ├── emoji create[add|upload|steal]: Add an emoji to the server. │ │ │ ├── emoji create reactions[reaction|reacts|react]: Add emojis from a message's reactions. │ │ │ ├── emoji create many[bulk|batch]: Add multiple emojis to the server. │ │ ├── emoji delete[del|remove|rm]: Remove an emoji from the server. │ │ │ ├── emoji delete duplicates[dupes|dupe]: Remove all duplicates of an emoji from the server. │ ├── nuke: Clone the current channel and delete the original. │ │ ├── nuke add[create|timer]: Schedule automatic nukes for a channel. │ │ ├── nuke remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove an automatic channel nuke. │ │ ├── nuke list: View all channels scheduled for automatic nukes. │ │ ├── nuke view: View the next scheduled nuke for a channel. │ │ ├── nuke clear[reset|purge]: Remove all scheduled automatic nukes. │ ├── role[r]: Add or remove a role from a member. │ │ ├── role restore[reassign|cache]: Restore a member's roles from cache. │ │ │ ├── role restore reassign[rejoin|auto]: Toggle auto reassigning roles when members rejoin. │ │ │ │ ├── role restore reassign exclude[exempt|ignore]: Exclude a role from being re-assigned. │ │ │ │ │ ├── role restore reassign exclude list: View all roles that are being excluded. │ │ │ │ │ ├── role restore reassign exclude clear[reset]: Remove all roles that are being excluded. │ │ │ │ │ ├── role restore reassign exclude remove[rm]: Allow a role to be re-assigned. │ │ ├── role mentionable: Toggle if a role should be mentionable. │ │ ├── role humans: Add a role to all human members. │ │ │ ├── role humans remove[revoke|rm]: Remove a role from all human members. │ │ ├── role delete[del]: Delete a role. │ │ ├── role cancel: Cancel an ongoing mass role operation. │ │ ├── role duplicate[copy]: Duplicate a role with a new name. │ │ ├── role hoist: Toggle if a role should appear in the sidebar. │ │ ├── role remove[revoke|rm]: Remove a role from a member. │ │ ├── role rename[name]: Change a role's name. │ │ ├── role color[colour]: Change a role's color. │ │ ├── role has[with|in]: Add a role to all members with another role. │ │ │ ├── role has remove[revoke|rm]: Remove a role from all members with another role. │ │ ├── role add[grant]: Add a role to a member. │ │ ├── role bots: Add a role to all bots. │ │ │ ├── role bots remove[revoke|rm]: Remove a role from all bots. │ │ ├── role create[make]: Create a role. │ │ ├── role all[everyone]: Add a role to all members. │ │ │ ├── role all remove[revoke|rm]: Remove a role from all members. │ ├── ban[deport]: Ban a member from the server. │ ├── softban: Ban then unban a member from the server. │ ├── unban[pardon|unb]: Unban a user from the server. ├── Utility │ ├── avatarhistory[avatars|avs|avh|ah]: View a user's avatar history. │ │ ├── avatarhistory clear: Remove your archived avatar history. │ ├── namehistory[names|nh]: View a user's name history. │ │ ├── namehistory clear: Remove your archived name history. │ ├── fortnite[fort|fn]: Fortnite related commands. │ │ ├── fortnite map[pois]: View the Fortnite map. │ │ ├── fortnite remind[reminder]: Receive notifications when an item is in the shop. │ │ │ ├── fortnite remind list: View your cosmetic reminders. │ │ │ ├── fortnite remind add[create]: Add a reminder for a cosmetic. │ │ │ ├── fortnite remind remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a reminder for a cosmetic. │ │ │ ├── fortnite remind clear[reset]: Remove all cosmetic reminders. │ │ ├── fortnite news[motd]: View the latest Fortnite news. │ │ ├── fortnite view[cosmetic|show]: View information about a cosmetic. │ ├── reminder[remind]: Set a reminder for a specific duration. │ │ ├── reminder cancel[delete|remove|del|rm]: Cancel a reminder via its ID. │ │ ├── reminder list: View all your active reminders. │ ├── bunkr[bunker|hub]: Search for albums on bunkr. │ ├── coomer[onlyfans|of|patreon]: Redistribute a OnlyFans creator's content to a thread. │ ├── google[search|g]: Search Google for a provided query. │ │ ├── google image[images|img|im|i]: Search for images on Google. │ │ ├── google translate[translation|tr|t]: Translate text to a specified language. │ │ ├── google safety[safe|nsfw]: Toggle Google Safe Search for the server. │ │ ├── google reverse[sauce|rimage|rimg|r]: Reverse search an image on Google. │ ├── image[images|img|im|i]: Search for images on Google. │ ├── reverseimage[sauce|rimage|rimg]: Reverse search an image on Google. │ ├── translate[translation|tr|t]: Translate text to a specified language. │ ├── snipe[sn|s]: Snipe a deleted message from the channel. │ │ ├── snipe clear[c]: Remove all sniped messages from the cache. │ ├── shazam[recognize]: Recognize a song from an attachment. │ ├── icon[servericon|sicon]: View a server's icon if one is present. │ ├── serverbanner[sbanner]: View a server's banner if one is present. │ ├── avatar[av|pfp|avi]: View a user's avatar. │ ├── serveravatar[spfp|savi|sav]: View a user's avatar. │ ├── banner[userbanner|ub]: View a user's banner if one is present. │ ├── userinfo[ui]: View information about a user. │ ├── serverinfo[sinfo|si]: View information about the server. │ ├── membercount[mc]: View the member count of the server. │ ├── wolfram[math|w]: Solve a question with Wolfram Alpha. │ ├── charinfo[char]: View information about unicode characters. │ ├── inrole: View members which have a role. │ ├── screenshot[ss]: Take a screenshot of a website. │ ├── dominant[dom|hex]: Extract the dominant color from an image. │ ├── network[nw]: Network related commands. │ │ ├── network subdomains[domains]: Scan for subdomains of a domain. │ │ ├── network ping[rtt]: Check the latency of a host. │ │ ├── network archive[webarchive|wayback|backup]: Archive a website using the Wayback Machine. │ │ │ ├── network archive list[sitemap|view]: View the archived URLs of a website. │ ├── subdomains[domains]: Scan for subdomains of a domain. │ ├── embed[parse|ce|script]: Create an embed from a script. │ ├── copyembed[embedcode|ec|code]: Copy the script template of a message. │ ├── urbandictionary[dictionary|define|urban|ud]: Define a word with Urban Dictionary. │ ├── book[goodreads|gr]: Search for a book on Goodreads. │ ├── torrent[1337x|torrents]: Search for torrents on 1337x. │ ├── lyrics[lyric|lyr|ly|genius]: Search for lyrics on Genius. │ ├── uwufy[uwuify|uwu]: Uwufy some text..? -_- │ ├── spotify[spot|sp]: Search for a song on Spotify. │ │ ├── spotify playlist[pl]: Search for a playlist on Spotify. │ │ ├── spotify album[al]: Search for an album on Spotify. │ │ ├── spotify artist[ar]: Search for an artist on Spotify. ├── Social │ ├── roblox[rblx|rbx]: View a user's Roblox profile. │ ├── pinterest[pint|pin]: View a Pinterest user's profile. │ │ ├── pinterest remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ │ ├── pinterest list: View all Pinterest users being monitored. │ │ ├── pinterest add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to receive new pins from a user. │ ├── tiktok[tt]: View a TikTok user's profile. │ │ ├── tiktok list: View all TikTok users being monitored. │ │ ├── tiktok remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ │ ├── tiktok add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to receive posts from a user. │ ├── youtube[yt]: Search for a query on YouTube. │ │ ├── youtube add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to receive new videos from a user. │ │ ├── youtube remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ │ ├── youtube shorts: Enable or disable YouTube shorts notifications. │ │ ├── youtube list: View all YouTube channles being monitored. │ ├── twitch[ttv]: View a Twitch user's profile. │ │ ├── twitch add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to be notified when a user goes live. │ │ ├── twitch remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ │ ├── twitch list: View all Twitch users being monitored. │ ├── kick: Kick a member from the server. │ │ ├── kick add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to be notified when a user goes live. │ │ ├── kick list: View all Kick users being monitored. │ │ ├── kick remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ ├── soundcloud[sc]: Search for a query on SoundCloud. │ │ ├── soundcloud add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to receive new tracks from a user. │ │ ├── soundcloud remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ │ ├── soundcloud list: View all SoundCloud users being monitored. │ ├── letterboxd[lb]: Notify a channel when a user posts a review. │ │ ├── letterboxd remove[delete|del|rm]: Remove a user from a channel's feed. │ │ ├── letterboxd list: View all Letterboxd users being monitored. │ │ ├── letterboxd add[watch|feed]: Add a channel to receive new reviews from a user. │ ├── deezer[dzr]: Search for a query on Deezer. ├── Last.fm │ ├── nowplaying[now|np|fm]: View what you're listening to on Last.fm. │ ├── lastfm[lfm|lf]: Interact with your Last.fm account. │ │ ├── lastfm globalwktrack[globalwkt|gwkt]: View the top listeners for a track globally. │ │ ├── lastfm wktrack[whoknowstrack|wkt]: View the top listeners for a track. │ │ ├── lastfm globalwhoknows[globalwk|gwk]: View the top listeners for an artist globally. │ │ ├── lastfm pace: View an estimated date for your next milestone. │ │ ├── lastfm recent[history|recenttracks]: View your most recent tracks on Last.fm. │ │ ├── lastfm pixelate[pixel|jumble|px]: Try to guess the pixelated album cover. │ │ ├── lastfm topalbums[albums|tal|tab]: View your top albums on Last.fm. │ │ ├── lastfm toptracks[tracks|ttr|tt]: View your top tracks on Last.fm. │ │ ├── lastfm compare[vs|match|taste]: Compare your music taste with another member. │ │ ├── lastfm collage[grid|cg]: Generate a collage of your top albums on Last.fm. │ │ ├── lastfm plays: View how many plays you have for an artist. │ │ │ ├── lastfm plays track[tr|t]: View how many plays you have for a track. │ │ │ ├── lastfm plays album[al|a]: View how many plays you have for an album. │ │ ├── lastfm connect[login|set]: Link your Last.fm account to the bot. │ │ ├── lastfm topartists[artists|tar|ta]: View your top artists on Last.fm. │ │ ├── lastfm whoknows[wk]: View the top listeners for an artist. │ │ ├── lastfm playsalbum[playsal]: View how many plays you have for an album. │ │ ├── lastfm playstrack[playst]: View how many plays you have for a track. │ │ ├── lastfm globalwkalbum[globalwka|gwka]: View the top listeners for an album globally. │ │ ├── lastfm sync[update|refresh]: Refresh your local Last.fm library. │ │ ├── lastfm mode: Set a custom embed style for the now playing command. │ │ │ ├── lastfm mode remove[delete|reset|del|rm]: Remove the custom embed style for the now playing command. │ │ ├── lastfm wkalbum[whoknowsalbum|wka]: View the top listeners for an album. ├── Audio │ ├── queue[q]: View all songs in the queue. │ │ ├── queue shuffle[mix]: Shuffle the queue. │ │ ├── queue clear[clean|reset]: Remove all tracks from the queue. │ │ ├── queue remove[del|rm]: Remove a track from the queue. │ │ ├── queue move[mv]: Move a track in the queue. │ ├── shuffle[mix]: Shuffle the queue. │ ├── play[p]: Add a song to the queue. │ │ ├── play bump: Add a track to the front of the queue. │ ├── skip[next|sk]: Skip the current track. │ ├── pause: Pause the current track. │ ├── resume: Resume the current track. │ ├── repeat[loop]: Set the repeat mode. │ ├── volume[vol]: Change the track volume. │ ├── disconnect[stop|dc]: Disconnect from the voice channel. ├── Information │ ├── ping: View the bot's latency. │ ├── invite[inv]: View the bot's invite link. │ ├── support[discord]: View the bot's support server invite. │ ├── about[botinfo|bi]: View information about the bot │ ├── system[sys|x]: View system metrics.